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Generous God


September 20, 2023

Voices Together 1015, is a prayer celebrating God’s generosity and the response of the faith community to the Giver of Life.

Generous God,

you gave us life;

now we give our lives back to you.

We present ourselves:

our work and our play,

our joys and sorrows,

our thoughts and deeds,

our gifts and resources,

to be used by you

for the sake of all people everywhere,

through Jesus Christ. Amen

I am grateful for the many ways that you, the Houston Mennonite community, are generous with time, talent, and treasure. Thank you!

The ways we give of ourselves in a community of faith – trusting, believing, committing ourselves in various ways, engaging in interactions with others – are the building blocks of individual and community faith formation. Consciously and unconsciously, we shape ourselves, other members of the faith community, and the human community with our capacity to be generous.

I pray that the spirit of generosity will continue to shape and inspire us.

Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor

Houston Mennonite Church

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