for kids
We welcome you and your family to Houston Mennonite. Children of all ages are welcome at Houston Mennonite, and we welcome gender-diverse children.
Children in worship
Children are welcome in worship at HMC! We love our families, young and old, and that includes the realities of crying babies, squirming toddlers, and everything else that goes along with that. Please bring your kids into church with you!
Back left of our sanctuary is a designated space for Infants & Families, with ample seating and a rug for babies.
Back right of our sanctuary is a designated Kids' Space, with low tables, activities, and books for older children, along with seating for parents.
Just outside the sanctuary is our Nursery with a changing table, pack'n'play, and rocking chairs with a one-way mirrored window that looks into the sanctuary. Use the volume knob on the wall by the door to listen to what's going on in worship, or to tune it all out for a bit of quiet.
Children's Message & Children's Church
At Houston Mennonite Church, kids start the worship service with the adults. There's usually a song or two after the welcome, and then a short Children's Message. Kids join the leader up the front of the room and listen to a story or other short message.
At the end of this time, kids ages 1 through Kindergarten leave the service for Children's Church, in the Children's Room just across the common space. All Children's Church leaders have completed Safe Sanctuaries training (see more below) and are scheduled in pairs.
Children during Second Hour
Usual schedule:
Childcare: Kindergarten and under
Location: Children's Room
Elementary Sunday School: Grades K - 4
Location: Elementary Sunday School Room
Junior Youth Sunday School: Grade 5 and up
Location: Conference Room
Kids learn together, with periodic service projects and outings in place of a class. We sometimes offer kid and family-oriented activities on days other than Sunday.
Safe Sanctuaries Policies & Practices
It is of utmost importance to the leadership of Houston Mennonite that everyone, in particular our children, are safe in our building and within our community. We follow the Safe Sanctuaries guidelines laid out by Mennonite Church USA and all our children's leaders and volunteers undertake annual training on safe practices and behaviors. All children's ministry volunteers have undertaken a criminal background check.
Read more about Safe Sanctuaries.
Read Houston Mennonite's Safe Sanctuaries policy & covenant.