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open & affirming

We are excited to join God in welcoming and celebrating people of all orientations, gender identities, ethnicities, races, ages, documentations, economic statuses, mental or physical abilities, marital statuses, or other differences, into the full life of our church. The church grows more vibrant as we embrace one another. 


We believe God is alive and well in us as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, straight, and allied Christians. All people are created in God’s image, and affirming this for ourselves and others is spiritually transformative.


God is doing something differently than our inherited tradition has allowed us to perceive. God is bringing new life to all people.  Christ is calling home those who have been pushed out, and embracing them as his children. The Spirit is healing hearts filled with pain and cynicism. People are finding freedom and dignity in the sacredness of love and in sharing their gifts. Through the presence and faith of the LGBTQ+ community we are all growing closer to God.


We believe Jesus’ life and ministry form the foundation of radical welcome. He treated everyone as people created in the image of God, offered hospitality, liberated those his culture oppressed, broke down barriers, and sought justice for the poor and pushed out. His message was simple: love God, love everybody, love yourself. In all these ways Jesus offers a clear, consistent Biblical standard of inclusion.


We grieve the overwhelming pain the church has caused the LGBTQ+ community.


All those looking for a church home are invited to Houston Mennonite Church. Here, everyone is fully welcome. 

the Houston Mennonite Church street facing billboard with an LGBT+ rainbow pride emblem

resources for the LGBT community & allies

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