Dear Friends, God is leading Houston Mennonite Church to be a community that values and nurtures relationships and creates opportunities for others to be part of the HMC community so that we grow in numbers and vitality. I am glad for the ongoing vitality of the Houston Mennonite Church community even during these hot summer months when everything seems to slow down a bit. I am grateful for your ongoing participation in the life of the church and for your faithfulness in caring, giving, worshiping together, and serving. Thank you for your commitment. It is a joy to have visitors join us regularly. Thank you for welcoming newcomers and engaging them in conversation. I pray that they will return and join us and add to the richness of our life together. It is great to have some of our newer members step into serving roles on Sunday mornings. Thank you to those leading the “Food & Friends” intergenerational sessions. What a delicious way to build community!
I continue to pray for each one of you using the prayer at the beginning of the New Testament book of Philippians: “that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what is best, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God.”
Love, joy, and peace,
Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor Houston Mennonite Church