Yesterday I was heartened to hear that the U.S. Senate, with bipartisan support, passed a bill to recognize same-sex marriage. The bill now goes to the house which intends to vote on it before the new congress takes office in a couple of months. The legislation would offer federal recognition of same-sex marriages, ease concerns that the Supreme Court would rule against them, and offer affirmation to millions of same-sex and interracial couples that their marriages are valid according to law.
I know that federal legislation is not the foundation of a marriage. Love, commitment, sacrifice, good communication, faithfulness, respect, mutuality, intimacy, humor, and so much more, are the building blocks of an enduring, committed relationship. The wonder of two persons giving their lives completely to each other in marriage is a sign pointing to a willingness to hold deep faith and trust with another. I am convinced that it tells us something about our faith in God and deepens our capacity to love.
No matter what the state decides, I pray that Houston Mennonite Church will always be a community that recognizes:
“Marriage is a gift from God
and a sign of love, faithfulness, and self-giving,
made possible by God’s grace.” - Voices Together 973
Thank you to everyone who completed the nomination survey!
Lee Lever, Transitional Pastor Houston Mennonite Church
Find details for each event on our ChurchTrac Connect
Sunday Worship at 10 AM
In-person at Houston Mennonite Church (HMC)
Zoom Online Video Meeting (ID: 910 835 693)
Phone: 346-248-7799 (ID: 910 835 693)
Thursday Zoom Hangout from 7-9 PM (ID: 8625 4149 307)
Saturday, Dec. 3
Medea Benjamin Book Tour hosted by HPJC at 7 PM
The HMC Hospitality Team will be providing refreshments for this event. If you can make some goodies, or help out during the event, please contact David Cooper (see directory)
Sunday, Dec. 4
Worship Service: Restoration is Near — Worth the Wait
2nd Hour: Annual Congregational Meeting
Esther will help provide childcare with children of various ages through the Intergenerational Advent offering (help is welcome)
Light refreshments will be provided before/during the Congregational Meeting
Free devotional guide for the family
Sunday, Dec. 11
Annual Christmas Banquet from 5-7 PM
Please RSVP and share what food you might share for the potluck
Child Care Helper needed for this coming Sunday
We are working to fill the Sunday morning paid child care position at HMC but we need a child care person on Sunday mornings until a person is in place.
If you would like to sign up for a Sunday or two please contact Pastor Lee Lever or Administrative Assistant Clarke Ohlendorf. Thanks for helping out!
Care & Community
Annual Christmas Banquet, Dec. 11 from 5-7 PM
Join us for this beloved HMC Christmas tradition. We will have a potluck meal followed by an evening of songs, readings, and other activities. And dessert. So much dessert! Be sure to let us know what items you can share for our banquet meal.
Volunteer Schedule
Need to make any changes? Please try to find your own replacements first, then contact Lynda V. with updates (see directory).
Directory information is kept confidential by requiring HMC Admin approval of account before access is granted
Once you have full access, update your directory profile, including choosing what details to share in the HMC directory
Medea Benjamin book discussions this coming weekend: Is Peace Possible in Ukraine?

Don't miss this weekend's rare visits to Houston by CODEPINK founder Medea Benjamin when she makes four appearances in Houston to discuss her new co-authored book about Ukraine and ways to bring about peace negotiations and stop the war there, which is an environmental as well as a human disaster. She is an internationally known peace and social justice activist and you don't want to miss her. She will speak at four different venues:
Sat. Dec. 3 at 7 PM, Houston Mennonite Church, 1231 Wirt Road, Houston, 77055.
Sun. Dec.4 at 2 PM, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 5200 Fannin St., Houston 77004.
People going to hear Medea are also welcome to join others for a vegetarian lunch (for a donation) served at 12:30 after their service.
Mon. Dec. 5 at 7 PM, Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church, 17503 El Camino Real, Houston 77058.
Tues. Dec. 6 at 12:30 PM. LoneStar College Kingwood Campus, Music Building Room 101, 20000 Kingwood Dr., Kingwood, TX 77339.
For information, call 832-971-6796.
Hosted by Houston Peace and Justice Center Military and Foreign Policy Workgroup and the Foreign Policy Alliance-Houston. Learn More
Spiritual Formation & News
During Advent, we prepare for the birth of Jesus. But as many a child has pointed out, Jesus has already been born. Advent is a practice of the “inbetween.” This year’s theme, developed for Leader magazine, makes that “in-between” concrete by inviting us into the process of restoration. Jesus has come and brought about restoration! And…we live in a world in need of restoration. Restoration has seasons of intense work and of maintenance mode. It’s active. It requires something of us. It’s transformative. And, in our understanding, it is inspired and guided by Divine Creativity. During this year’s Advent and Christmas seasons, we invite you to join in God’s work of restoration, discovered ultimately in the infant Christ.
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is an organization that helps people rebuild after a disaster. The strength of MDS is its volunteer base which includes a range of Anabaptist/Mennonite constituencies, and the generosity of those who support the good work of MDS. When MDS enters a disaster situation they intentionally partner with other agencies and they typically focus on households with fewer resources than others. Learn more…
Go Electronic: Give online by clicking here or the button below. Mail Checks to our building at : Houston Mennonite Church Attn: Treasurer 1231 Wirt Road Houston, TX 77055-6852
Houston Mennonite Staff
Pastor (Transitional): Lee Lever 512-230-9470 (text first)
Administrative Assistant: Clarke Ohlendorf 281-783-9070 (text & voicemail)