In honor of the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism, MennoMedia has put together an 'Anabaptist Community Bible' with help from hundreds of Anabaptist Bible studies, including one we did at HMC.
HMC members were charged with studying and commenting on the following passages:
1 Chronicles 22, 1 Chronicles 23
Romans 11:33-36, Romans 12:1-21
Psalm 34:11-22
The group conducted three sessions, one for each scripture passage assignment. The first session looking at 1 Chronicles 22 and 23 got the group rolling. The group was surprisingly engaged by the inventory of the supplies needed to build Solomon's Temple and a list of the names of the temple staff and their duties. Maybe the scripture was relatable because we had built a new church building a few years ago.
Notes from HMC's study and hundreds of other Anabaptist church studies will be included in the margins of the Anabaptist Community Bible.
Preorders for the Bible are open now, and there is a fairly significant discount for early orders.